Where We Be
Horse-drawn carriages make you feel like you've gone back in time on Mackinaw Island
The Maid of the Mist lives up to her name on this stormy day
Magnificent Horseshoe Falls from the Canadian side
Close-up view of Horseshoe Falls from Maid of the Mist. Being this close to the falls is like being in a sideways rainstorm.
Happy to be aboard and wearing two layers of rain gear!
Looking across to a viewing platform on the American side
American Falls just east of Horseshoe Falls are also stunningly beautiful
We walked through a 650-foot tunnel bored into the rock behind Horseshoe Falls
Not much of a view, but viscerally impressive!
Our first glimpse of Horseshoe Falls flowing over the precipice
Robin in her Robin's-egg-blue rain slicker
Glad we came! This place exceeded our expectations.
The plume of mist rising from Horseshoe Falls is visible well before you reach the edge
As if the falls weren't beautiful enough on their own, a rainbow suddenly appeared
Sunshine brightens American Falls by late afternoon
As we were leaving, we caught sight of this full rainbow arcing over the falls
Niagara Falls, Canada
This was my first time to the Canadian side of
Niagara Falls, and Robin's second. The better
panoramas are definitely from the Canadian
side. We parked on the southern outskirts of
Niagara and headed in the same direction as
the flowing water – towards the big drop-off.
The roar got louder as we walked closer and
you could see the spume of mist rising up.
Ahhh! Our first view of Horseshoe Falls from
the Canadian side – what a dramatic sight! It
was exciting watching the tiny “Maid of the
Mist” boats venture towards the falls, tossed
in the roiling water beneath a forbidding sky.

After soaking up all the overlook views, we
ventured to the Maid of the Mist for our own
ride. We donned cheap rain ponchos and took
up positions near the bow. Mist struck us as
we approached American Falls, and things got
really interesting as we neared Horseshoe
Falls. The wind blew hard enough that my
cheap rain poncho blew all over the place to
the point that I could hardly see. The water
came in a continuous sheet. It felt like we
were in a sideways rainstorm. We felt the
power of the waterfall in a way we hadn’t from
any other angle. As we made our way back to
the dock, we both had big smiles plastered on
our wet faces.