Where We Be
I suggested Robin peek up this fine fellow's skirts for this photo op but she declined!
Bay of Fundy -- New Brunswick, Canada
Adirondack chairs offer a nice spot to sip some coffee while enjoying the view
During our afternoon return near high tide, we took this picture of the sea caves partially filled with water
Covered bridges, like this lovely one at St. Martins, are another good reason to come to New Brunswick
St. Martins has two covered bridges within view of one another
Here's the same view as above but close to high tide. Quite a difference!
We did some serendipitous driving around on Musquash Peninsula near St. John and happened upon several adorable seaside hamlets. This is Dipper Harbour with its floating lobster trap platforms.
We had this craggy stretch of coastline all to ourselves and saw a seal swimming here.
At nearby Chance Harbour we literally chanced upon Beldings Reef Nature Preserve and decided to hike out to this tiny lighthouse
At Little Lepreau we came upon this dilapidated covered bridge
It offered some interesting photo ops inside and out
Serendipitous exploring is fun -- you never know what you might find
Jetboats speed up and down the river, driving through small whirlpools and doing 360-degree spins. It's best to visit Reversing Falls once at low tide and again at high tide to get the full effect (assuming you have six hours to spare). Otherwise, low tide is probably the most interesting.
Reversing Falls Bridge is a popular tourist stop in St. John. From here you can watch the St. John River change direction depending on whether it's high or low tide. At low tide the river empties out into the Bay of Fundy; at high tide the Bay forces the flow of water to reverse and push upstream.
Our favorite New Brunswick town was St. Martins with its two covered bridges, sea caves, "world famous" seafood chowder, and dramatic tide changes
We visited St. Martins once in the morning at low tide and again in the afternoon at high tide. Near low tide you can visit the sea caves on foot. We hurried across this stream to reach them before the water levels got too high.
We have maybe half an hour before the water reaches up and into the caves
The seafood chowder at The Caves Restaurant is not only tasty but also World Famous! The fish and chips made with flaky haddock was some of the best we've ever tasted.
Golden wetlands stretch for miles in front of a dramatic headland
If you like lighthouses, Canada's Maritime Provinces are a must-see. This one is in West Quaco near Gardner Creek.
Looking out from the lighthouse, you can see (and hear) the water rushing out as the tides change on the Bay of Fundy
May, the owner, is also an artist. We love these wine glasses she decorated with blue flowers.
Steepled churches are another common sight as you drive around the Maritime Provinces
We stayed at Moore's Specialties B&B in Gardner Creek, about a half hour outside of St. John
Near Gardner Creek, we came across this miniature horse and donkey farm. The owner cradles a baby donkey.
Gardner Creek & West Quaco
Chance Harbour & Little Lepreau

It's hard to believe we've never made it up to
Canada's Maritime Provinces, given how much
time we spend in Bar Harbor only a few hours
away. But you know how it is: sometimes you put
off seeing what's close at hand out of a desire
to explore more distant shores. Well, we finally
got around to visiting New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, and PEI, and we couldn't have picked a
more lovely time of year for it. Fall foliage was
spectacular this season, and we lucked out with
a string of sunny days that seemed almost too
good to be true, given how rainy it can be here.
Our road trip began with a three-day visit along
the Bay of Fundy. You've probably heard about
the huge tidal changes that occur here: the Bay
of Fundy is known for having the highest tidal
range in the world. Between low and high tides
the range is about 50 feet (15 m). We got to see
some pretty dramatic inflows and outflows at
places like Reversing Falls Bridge in St. John,
the bayside town of St. Martins, and the popular
tourist attraction of Hopewell Rocks.
Equally fun was exploring all the little towns and
harbors along the bay. The Maritime Provinces
are chock-full of cute villages, covered bridges,
lighthouses, seafood shacks, and gorgeous
scenery. We nearly drove ourselves silly trying
to see it all. You don't quite realize how big
these provinces are until you start driving
around. I tell you, they look smaller on a map!