Where We Be
Cameron Lake is the starting point for the hike. You know you're in for a good time when this is your initial view!
Carthew-Alderson Trail -- Waterton, AB
From the overlook, a final short descent brings you to Cameron Falls. Whew! From here it's a short walk to the campground or the center of town.
Be sure to take the short detour to Alderson Lake -- another great spot for a rest stop before heading the rest of the way down. We took off our boots and put our feet in the cold water, feeling much refreshed.
Looking for a pleasant picnic spot? This could be it.
The trail stays above this cirque -- it certainly looks like the kind of country you might see a grizzly in
A lot of downhill hiking finally brings you to this beautiful overlook of Waterton townsite
We didn't see any bear but we did see a cute family of ptarmigans, including this youngster
As you approach the lakes you'll be descending back down to treeline
Take your time through this beautiful section. Linger a bit and enjoy the alpine scenery.
We were surprised to see horses up here on the ridge, but horseback is the traditional way to see these parks
The long descent down -- but don't worry, there's still plenty of spectacular scenery ahead
This string of three gorgeous lakes in a row has got to be a highlight of the hike. These are the Carthew Lakes.
More climbing brings you into open alpine country. This is the view behind you -- don't forget to turn around now and again for a look.
The higher you get, the more you can see south into Glacier National Park. The jewel of a lake in the distance looks tough to get to!
Push your way to the top of Carthew Ridge -- the ridge to the right. The grade to the top isn't too bad.
The views all around are so beautiful you won't mind the climb
You've worked hard to get to the top so be sure to walk along the ridge, enjoying the outstanding views. A short detour brings you to Carthew Summit, shown directly ahead.
Wow! The views from the summit are spectacular. Here we're looking south into Glacier National Park.
Looking back along the ridge, the ascending trail is to the left and the descending trail is to the right
Never happier than when we're hiking in alpine country
Robin seems to agree -- this is the best
The shuttle gets you to Cameron Lake (at the top of the Akamina Parkway) by 9 am -- early enough to enjoy the morning views as you round the lake
Climb the switchbacks to Summit Lake at the 4 km mark -- a good place for a first rest stop

Amaaazing hike from Cameron Lake to Waterton
townsite! The hike is 12 miles (20 km) one way
with 2135 ft (650 m) of elevation gain and 3330 ft
(1015 m) of elevation loss. They say allow 8
hours for this hike and it took us nearly that, at
7½, because the scenery is so beautiful you'll
want to linger. Absolute jewels of lakes dot the
landscape, along with lots of alpine wildflowers.
Cameron Express Shuttle (20 CAD pp, 8:15 am)
takes you from Waterton's Tamarack Outfitters
to Cameron Lake, the starting point for the hike.
The trail is challenging but fun, with a manage-
able grade. Along the way you'll get spectacular
views from Carthew Ridge looking south into
Montana’s Glacier National Park. Take the time
to hike to Carthew Summit as well, where the
360 degree views are simply outstanding. This
top section of the hike, in alpine country, is so
fantastic it makes the whole trek worthwhile. It'll
remind you why you like to hike in the first place.