Where We Be

We took a short train ride from Lucca to Pisa to
see one of the must-see sights in Italy: the
Leaning Tower of Pisa. This iconic tower is, of
course, the most famous architectural landmark
in all of Italy, and everyone knows it cants quite
dramatically – nearly 5 degrees – from vertical.
But did you know what a lovely tower it is in its
own right? Its lean may have made it famous,
but even without this “defect,” its white-marble
columns and tiers of perfect arches marching
round and round make it an irresistible sight.
Then your eye is drawn to the rest of the “Field
of Miracles.” You see the enormous white-
marble Duomo – the largest in Europe when it
was constructed – and the equally eye-catching
white-marble Baptistery. This triumvirate of
matching architecture sits upon a field of
green, something that distinguishes it from
nearly every other major tourist site in Europe.
Most cathedrals and towers are built on hard
stone surfaces, but here you have the
softening effect of grass. Your eyes go “ahh”
as they alternate between the unyielding white
marble and the soft green grass.
We climbed the Tower of Pisa at noon. Only 40
people at a time are allowed to climb the Tower,
so lines can be long if you don’t buy tickets
ahead. Going up involves a steep climb of 294
marble steps that grow increasingly narrow the
higher you climb. They are worn in the centers
from all the millions of treads that have fallen
upon them. At each level of the tower you get a
chance to walk around and take pics. Then the
Tower attendants tell you it’s time to advance
to the next level. It’s all strictly regimented to
keep your visit to exactly 30 minutes so you can
get down in time for the next group to come up.
But of course your experience isn't complete
unless you also partake in the modern ritual of
holding the Tower up (or pushing it over) while
your photo is taken. Watching people come up
with creative approaches to this kitschiest of
photo ops is half the fun; we saw one young
woman doing a handstand while attempting to
position her feet juuuuust so!
The most famous architectural landmark in Italy holds up well to all the hype
Wonder Woman saves the day!
Pisa's Duomo was the largest in Europe when it was constructed -- a testament to Pisa's power, which once rivaled Venice's
The tower's lean is obvious here
Tower stairs worn by millions of feet
Wow, what a view of the Field of Miracles from the top! And you really get a sense of the cross-shape of the cathedral from up here.
The soft green grass contrasts wonderfully with the hard white marble
Leaning over the Leaning Tower to look straight down
That moment when you realize you're standing on top of the actual Leaning Tower of Pisa, a place you've heard about since you were a kid!
Looking straight down into the Camposanto, a cloistered cemetary of sorts
Pisa's red-tiled roofs make for a pleasant view
It's about a mile's walk from the train station to the Leaning Tower
The River Arno runs through both Pisa and Florence
This adorable chapel sits sandwiched between the Arno River on one side and a busy road on the other
The Baptistery, one of three monuments on the Field of Miracles
How NOT to position your hand!
We climbed the 294 steps to the top
Gelato shops guide you along your way!
The Duomo's portico looks modern from above