Where We Be
Spreuer Bridge is the other famous covered medieval bridge in Lucerne, built in 1408
This photo, taken from Lucerne's medieval fortified wall, hardly does justice to beautiful Lake Lucerne. The lake is ringed by mountains that are hidden here. Poor conditions continued both days we were here so we didn't get to tour the lake by ferry or hike Burgenstock Felsenweg trail. Maybe next time!
Spreuer Bridge includes 56 triangular paintings in the roof panels depicting the “Dance of Death,” showing how the plague affected all levels of society
View from Spreuer Bridge looking in the direction of the lake and train station
Chapel Bridge is the oldest surviving truss bridge in the world, built in 1333
The colorful frescoes are quite eye-catching
This is William Tell country, as suggested by the name of this 1908 paddlewheel steamer that's now a restaurant
Mark Twain once called this evocative sculpture of a dying lion “the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world”
Ironically, once we left Lucerne by train, the skies cleared and we saw our first sun in several days. This is not Lucerne but a village along our route.
The famous Lion Monument, or “Lowendenkmal” (1820), commemorates Swiss soldiers who died defending King Louis XVI during the French Revolution
The restored Chapel Bridge (Kappelbrucke) is Lucerne's most famous landmark
Lucerne's lovingly decorated historic buildings are a real treat

An hour's train ride brought us from Zurich to
Lucerne. We got our first look at the city while
sitting on a bench at the edge of Lake Lucerne
munching on soft pretzels with raclette cheese
baked on top. It was a pretty spot -- ferry boats
pulled in and out of the dock and baby swans
swam nearby. Unfortunately it was overcast so
we could only see hazy suggestions of the
beautiful mountains surrounding the lake.
We walked all over Lucerne and especially
enjoyed the historic houses decorated with
frescoes lining the picturesque town squares.
Old Town is car-free, always a big plus in our
book. We walked atop the Museggmauer, or
medieval city wall, and crossed both of
Lucerne's famous medieval covered bridges.
Chapel Bridge, quite close to the lake and train
station, was originally built in 1333 and restored
after a terrible fire in 1993 nearly destroyed it.
Spreuer Bridge dates from 1408 and includes
56 triangular paintings depicting the “Dance of
Death.” It shows how the plague affected all
levels of society, rich and poor alike. Skeletons
dance with finely dressed ladies, hover over
innocent children, and embrace kings.