Where We Be
Luckenbach & Llano, Texas
One of our most memorable stops in the Hill Country was at Cooper's Pit BBQ in Llano. De-lish!
Not many vegetarian options at Cooper's!
The lovely courthouse building in Llano, Texas
Lyrics by Willie Nelson and Waylan Jennings helped put this ultra-tiny hill town on the map
Robin doesn't quite blend in with the leather-clad biker dudes behind her
"Out in Luckenbach, Texas, ain't nobody feelin' no pain“
After our morning hike at Enchanted Rock, we drove
to the town of Llano and had a fantastic lunch at the
legendary Cooper's Pit BBQ. This turned out to be
one of our most memorable stops in the Hill Country.
Cooper's is an institution out here, and people come
from miles around just for a taste of their tangy BBQ.
We waited in line for over an hour but it was well
worth it. The couple in front of us confided that pilots
actually fly their planes to Llano just to come here for
We took the scenic route back home, driving along
the 22-mile Willow City Loop, a particularly rugged
stretch of Hill Country noted for spring wildflowers.
Afterwards, we stopped in the quintessential small
hill town of Luckenbach, Texas. A wooden sign at the
post office says “Luckenbach: Pop. 3.” But the place
is hopping on Saturday nights -- think live country
music, cowboy hats, cold beer, and grizzled bikers.
Willie Nelson and Waylan Jennings made this tiny
town famous with their lyrics, “Out in Luckenbach,
Texas, ain't nobody feelin' no pain.”